
Tiverton Enduro – On sale this Friday 15/04/22

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Southern Enduro Rd3 – Tiverton, Devon

Rd3 Meredown Woodland, Tiverton, Devon– 19th June


-4 Race stages per round. With a couple of new additions.
-Morning practices afternoon race.
-Fantastic prizes for the top 3 riders in all categories.
-Free parking for all riders, spectators, friends and family. (Please car share where possible the field isn’t massive)
-Large race village.
-Food and drink on site.
-Limited camping in rough grass field (£5 cash on the day)

-This race is aimed at intermediate riders. Natural loamy trails.

*Ebikes are to pedalec (Epacs) only and limited to 15.5 mph and to have no more than a 250 watt motor.




Elite male age 18+
Senior male age 18-29
Master male age 30-39
Veteran male age 40-49
Supers Veteran male age 50+
Grand Veteran male age 60+
FUN male age 18+ for riders starting out in enduro and less experienced racers
U14s male – rider must be in the year of their 10th, 11th, 12th or 13th birthday.
U16s male – rider must be in the year of their 14th or 15th birthday.
U18s male – rider must be in the year of their 16th or 17th birthday.


Female elite 18+
Senior female age 18-29
Master female age 30-39
Veteran female age 40+
FUN female age 18+ for riders starting out in enduro and less experienced racers
U14s female – rider must be in the year of their 10th, 11th, 12th or 13th birthday.
U18s female – rider must be in the year of their 14th, 15th, 16th or 17th birthday.


Ebike male – Bikes must not be unrestricted
Ebike male vets 40+ – Bikes must not be unrestricted
Ebike male vets 50+ – Bikes must not be unrestricted
Ebike female – Bikes must not be unrestricted


Hardtails age 18+ including Fat bikes and fully rigid.



Event overheads have going up over the last 2 years so we have had to increase the price from 2021 a little be to cover these costs.

Southern Enduro Series per round:

Adults £47

u18s £43.50

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