-Stage 5 longer than previous years Don’t stop where the trail ends it extends into the field.
-Stage 3 and stage 4 end near each other please stop after finishing the stage as they merge.

-Stage 5 longer than previous years Don’t stop where the trail ends it extends into the field.
-Stage 7 is longer in the main race than the mashup.
-Stage 3 and stage 4 end near each other please stop after finishing the stage as they merge.

This is not the actual postcode but its close: Porlock Rd, Minehead TA24 8SW
If you pass the Minehead & Exmoor Caravan & Camping Park so it’s on your right the venue is on the left about 200m past the campsite. The venue is on the main road out of Minehead towards Porlock. (Do not drive down to the village of Bratton)Dropped pin for the location of the venue: Here
This Is Your Riders Briefing
General Site Rules:
There will be no access to the site before Fri 23rd July, this is private land and we want to be able to use this venue for years to come.
If you are shielding, in an “at risk” group or showing covid-19 symptoms you should not attend the event.
Camping is Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, we have a very large field please find a discreet spot away from others and camping is free and you don’t need to book. If you are camping please minimize the amount of times you leave the site. Access to the site is a bit rough, not suitable for lowered cars or caravans, large vans will be fine.
Spectators are allowed.
Parking – we have a big field so space out and give plenty of room between cars. Listen to instructions from the parking marshal.
We have extra toilets, please queue as indicated and use the hand sanitizer. Only put toilet roll down the toilets. Keep the toilets tidy and rubbish free.
Face mask aren’t compulsory but if you would like to wear them while queuing for the toilets, sign-on and food vendor.
Please take all your rubbish home with you. Sheep/lambs live in this field and can choke on rubbish.
Please follow all on-site safety signs.
LUL-MED will be our onsite Medical Team.
Action Sports Timing will be timing the event.
God Save the Bean will be providing on site Refreshments.
Main Race ( 13 Stages Over 2 Days)
On Friday from 15:00 optional track walk there on all 8 taped stages (NO RIDING/NO PRACTICE )
There will be no practice sessions on Saturday or Sunday
On Saturday you will race 5 blind stages (10 miles, 1500ft and estimated trail time 10mins)
On Sunday you will race the 5 stages you raced on Saturday plus 3 blind stage. (16 miles, 2400ft and estimated trail time 15mins)
All 13 stage times will count and your combined stats for the weekend are 26miles, 3900ft and 25mins estimated stage overall time.
Course map release the week of the race.
Format/Instructions Main Race:
Go to sign on and verbally sign on and get your number board in the marquee.
Then get your timing chip this will be next to the marquee.
At your start time, you will be set-off from the race village (not the top of the hill) in number order (this will be in category groups).
Then follow the transition to get to stage 1, the marshal set you off in 20 sec gaps.
Then follow the Transition to the next stage, stages must be ridden in my order.
The final stage of the day will end in the Parking field.
This will conclude racing for the day. Please go back to your camping area or make your way home (if you’re not staying on site).
Saturday results will be available online an hour or so after the last racer finishes.
On Sunday morning, arrive on site 30mins before your start time.
At your start time, you will be set-off from the race village (not the top of the hill)
The final stage of the day will end in the Parking field.
This will conclude racing for the day. Please make your way home or stick around for the Podiums. We will do the podiums as soon as everyone hands in their timing chips.
You can keep your number board but you need to return you timing chip to the timing trailer/tent. If you don’t return your chip, you won’t get a result.
Final results will be available online and for photos check rootsandrain.com
Stage 5 on Saturday & Sunday is longer than the trail raced in previous years, please don’t stop in the woods, continue to the bottom of the field.
Mashup Race (3 Stages Saturday Only)
On Friday from 15:00 optional track walk on 3 taped stages (NO RIDING)
On Saturday you will race 3 stages a minimum of 2 times this will give you to total of 6 stage times on your results. Between 09:00 and 12:30 you can ride the 3 stages as much as you want to improve your times.
Format/Instructions Mash-up:
Go to sign-on and verbally sign on and get your number board in the marquee.
Then get your timing chip this will be next to the marquee.
Please gather in the race village at 08:50 to be started off for the start of the race.
You can ride the trails in any order and as much as you want. The start marshal will set you off in 30 sec gaps.
Then follow the Transition to the next stages.
The race will be over at 12:30 will conclude racing for the day. Please make your way home or stick around for the Podiums. We will do the podiums as soon as everyone hands in their timing chips.
You can keep your number board but you need to return you timing chip to the timing trailer/tent. If you don’t return your chip, you won’t get a result.
Final results will be available online and for photos check rootsandrain.com
Sign on will be in the marquee.
There will be a one-way system for sign on with a verbal sign on process. (No pen needed).
Give your name & category and you will be handed your number board. There will be 4 separate ques. Please find out your rider number before entering the marquee, they will be posted outside and online. Riders 1-200, Riders 201-400, Riders 401+ & Mash-up riders.
Next the one-way system will direct you to the timing chip trailer. You need your number board to collet your timing chip.
That is sign on complete.
Race Schedule:
14:00 Camping/Parking open
15:00 to 19:00 Optional Track walk
08:00 Saturday Parking open
08:30 till 13:00 Sign-on
09:00 till 12:30 Mashup Enduro
10:00 till 13:30 UK Enduro Champs Saturday Staggered start.
13:30 Mash up Enduro Podium
08:30 till 12:00 UK Enduro Champs Sunday Staggered start.
15:00/15:30 Sunday UK Enduro Champs Podium
10:00 site clear of participants
Other Info:
On site the is a water tape and loos but no showers.
Ticks are bad this time of year, please check yourself at the end of each day.
Riders start list & Times https://southernenduro.co.uk/uk-enduro-national-champs-2021-minehead-24th-and-25th-july-riders-start-list-and-times
Course maps will be released the week of the race on southernenduro.co.uk
If anything is unclear, please email [email protected] however we will be on site from Tuesday 11th Aug so we will struggle to answer emails after that date.
Print/Save/Screenshot these instructions so you have a handy guide while you are at the event.
Thanks everyone lets stick to this plan and have a fun and safe event.
Scott and the rest of the Southern Enduro Team